Simple Tips for Tidying Your Home During the Homeschool Week

It’s been said that a clean home is a happy home!

Simple Ways to Tidy Up During Homeschool Hours

There’s a saying that a clean house is a happy house, and there is no denying that keeping your home clean, tidy, and organized plays a major role in helping your family reduce stress and bringing efficiency to your homeschool days!

Finding the time to tidy your house, however, can be much easier said than done. From learning co-ops, church events to sports practices and meals, nailing an effective routine can be very tricky. check out this short guide on how to tidy your house - and keep it tidy!

Click on my print-ready Family Chore Chart below! 

1. Crackdown on clutter. It’s tricky to tidy your house if the rooms are filled with clutter. This will increase your stress levels, make it hard to find things that you need (e.g. school supplies), and make it harder to move through your home overall.

When you have fewer items around, you’ll be able to keep things neat and organized, and this will help you to tidy more quickly and effectively.

2. A place for everything. Once you’ve eliminated clutter, it’s important to make sure that everything has a place to live. This is one element that’s crucial to speeding up your tidying and helping you create a clean house. Take some time - perhaps a weekend - to make sure that each and every item in your home has a place to live. This may take a little while, but it will be well worth it when it only takes five minutes to tidy!

3. Divide up the rooms. Once everything is organized and decluttered, divide your chores into the rooms of your house, and allocate a day to each room. Alternatively, assign each chore a day of the week. For example, you vacuum on Mondays, dust on Tuesdays, and clean mirrors on Wednesdays. Or switch things up by cleaning the bathroom on Monday, the kitchen on Tuesday, and so on. Pick a routine that works for you and your household, and that you know you will find easy to stick to.

4. Clean little and often. Another top trick to make your life simpler is to clean little and often. This will eliminate the need to do a huge, whole-house clean once a week. Make it a habit to use toilet cleaner in the bathroom when you visit at night or spritz the counters before you go to bed each night. Doing a little cleaning now and then will soon add up, and you will notice a large reduction in your workload.

5. Have tools on hand. Grab a box or basket, and fill this with everything that you need to clean - sponges, sprays, squeegees, dusters, and polish. Place this in a cupboard that you have easy access to. This will ensure that you always have the tools you need to hand and increases the chances that you will actually clean. If you have a large house, place a basket upstairs and one downstairs to make your life even easier! By breaking down your chores into manageable chunks, you are reducing the amount of work that you need to do in one go. This will also help you and your family stay on top of things, and offer more time to enjoy your clean, mess-free sanctuary.

Why Chores?

Have you ever wondered or witnessed the power of chores in a child’s routine? Assigning chores to your kids isn't just about keeping the house tidy; it's about instilling important values and skills that will benefit them for life. Giving your kids chores helps them feel a sense of responsibility and belonging within the family. By entrusting them with tasks, you're showing them that their contributions matter and that they play an essential role in keeping the household running smoothly.

Beyond responsibility, chores provide valuable learning opportunities for kids. As they tackle various tasks, they develop essential life skills such as organization, time management, and problem-solving. These skills aren't just handy for the moment. They'll serve your kids well in school, work, and numerous other aspects of their lives. 

If there’s one thing that’s true about homeschooling families it’s that we are big on making memories and building our family relationships. Assigning chores accomplishes these goals by strengthening family bonds and fostering a spirit of teamwork. When everyone pitches in, it creates a warm and supportive atmosphere where each family member's contributions are valued. Together you benefit from learning from each other and growing closer as a family. So, next time you divvy up the chores, remember that you're not just teaching your kids to tidy up. You’re preparing them with important life skills that they will appreciate in years to come.

Check out my online homeschooling classes here

    Categories: : chores, homemaking, homeschooling