When Did Dinosaurs Roam the Earth?

I've been working on a new course showing evidence that dinosaurs lived with man. Let's chat about where we find dinosaur bones.

About 65 million years ago a massive asteroid took out the dinosaurs. Sound familiar? 

Evolutionary scientists claim that all dinosaur bones have been found beneath the K-Pg boundary AKA Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary. The asteroid that destroyed life and made the dinosaurs become extinct emitted a plume of iridium. This iridium should technically be over the entire Earth because the asteroid affected all life on Earth. So therefore, we should find dinosaur bones in or near that layer right? Except, that's often not the case. Many dinosaur bones have been found at the surface and in varying layers. 

Iridium is not found all over the Earth in a nice even layer from a single massive asteroid. Instead, it's found in isolated pockets here and there around the Earth. Why?

Creation scientists point to the great flood mentioned in the Bible. What evolutionists and creationists can agree on is pangaea aka a super continent when all of the continents were connected as one. Creationists claim that during the world wide flood, these continents shifted quite quickly. As they shifted and tectonic plates moved, volcanoes began erupting all over the Earth. Guess where we find iridium? Around volcanos! This explains the pockets of iridium instead of it being a consistent layer. 

Categories: Online Classes, Apologetics